Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

Impact Factor: 0.541 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

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To bring out the hidden classical and contemporary techniques of Industrial Engineering and Management Science through our publications in order to facilitate the researchers in all corners of the world. Industrial engineering taken its own path and has gained immense attention by its day to day technological changes. Management sciences have unique and definite property to carry over the quality in the entire field of science and technology.


Hybrid Manufacturing Systems, Production, Logistics, Quality, and Operational Research, Industrial Economics and Regional Development, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Quality Engineering, Systems Reliability Engineering, Simulation Modelling and Analysis, System Design and Control Systems, Production systems Analysis and Design, Facilities Layout and Design, Information Systems in ISE, Modelling Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Automation, Concurrent Engineering and System Design, Modelling and Analysis of Engineering Systems, Modelling Physiological Systems, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Digital Systems Simulation, Transportation Systems, Industrial Engineering such as Scheduling, layout Facilities, Quality Control, Process Engineering, Operations Management, Simulation, Game Theory, Finance, Accounting and Marketing, Education, Training and Professional Skills, Engineering Economic Analysis, Management, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Design, Financial and Investment Engineering, Project Management, Technology Management and Transfer, Environment Risk Analysis, Maintenance Analysis, Web Intelligence, Prediction Systems , Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Material Science




Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | June, 2017

Publication: June, 2017