International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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History of Women and their Role in Higher Education

Dr.P. Pradeepa


Women are the elixir of the societal developments inclusive of education and economy. They play a vital role in uplifting the family and in turn the society. Education is a common and key aspect that strengthens the roles and responsibilities of women. The higher education enrolment ratio of women is the real reflection of the nations development and pride. However, in developing country like India, the path of women in higher education has faced lots of diversions, ups and downs like, vast history of women empowerment in the past, contradictory practices-outcomes in the middle age and accomplishments of women by overcoming all the hurdles in the recent years. This chapter highlights the history of women in higher education, role of education in empowering women, which in turn creates an affirmative society.

Keywords: Higher Education, Women Enrolment, Leadership, Women Empowerment

Volume: 5 | Issue: Women Empowerment Leadership and Socio-Cultureal Dimensions

Pages: 203-210

Issue Date: March , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BP2019.1001/21

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