International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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A Primitive Study on Women towards Empowerment

Dr.C. Nirosha and Dr.S. Ghousinnisa


The status and position of women in a society is the best way to understand civilization, its progress and shortcomings. In case of India, women have come a long way from women sages and scholars in the Rig Vedic period to women in the armed forces, IT sector, politics, industry and other significant areas while balancing their role as a daughter, wife and mother. This journey towards modernization has not been easy. Women had to fight the traditional Indian male-dominated society to emerge as stronger and independent entities. While all these are positive developments, cases of rape, harassment at workplace and dowry deaths are rampant. Illiteracy and ignorance about their rights are still prevalent among a majority of the women. This paper lays stress on the evolution, status, development of women and their empowerment in India from a historical point of view.

Keywords: Empowerment, Indian Constitution, Laws, Women.

Volume: 5 | Issue: Women Empowerment Leadership and Socio-Cultureal Dimensions

Pages: 83-91

Issue Date: March , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BP2019.1001/10

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