Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

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A Study on Marketing Management Practices of Malls in Madurai City

D. Anita and Dr.M. Premkumar


The scope of marketing practices of Mall Management has been wider than other kinds of retailing formats. Differentiating themselves from the competition is a sure way of emerging a winner, and this positioning is ensured through effective marketing practices of mall management. The problems with respect of retailers in Marketing Practices of Mall Management are concerned with differentiating a mall from the rest, maximization of customers, converting customers needs to purchase and keeping the customers for a long period and tenants business survival and satisfaction of both customers and retailers. It strives to provide an entire consumer spend basket to make the mall a happening destination besides also creating and maintaining the adequate infrastructure. Right from the tenant mix, ensuring the creation of right ambience, and cleanliness that creates customer satisfaction to managing various income streams for the developer, the role of mall management is complex and dynamic marketing practices. The concept of mall management, which is still in its infancy in India, has the potential to change the fortunes of the retail sector. Properly practiced mall management will provide existing and future players a definite edge in the sector.

Keywords: --

Volume: 8 | Issue: 3

Pages: 04-06

Issue Date: August , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.8407

Full Text




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