Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing

Impact Factor: 0.375 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Enhanced Secure Big Data in Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Using Fuzzy Encryption Model

P. Pavithra and K. Balamurugan


This paper proposes a novel architecture for adaptive encryption of public cloud databases that offers a proxy-free alternative to the system. cloud system is difficult to synchronize login and authentication data between external clouds and internal systems without exposing internal security data. The cloud technologies are rapidly being adopted throughout the Information Technology (IT) due to their various attractive properties. In spite of their spread, they have raised a range of significant security and privacy concerns which interrupt their adoption in sensitive environments. The cloud computing technology provides IT services and resources to the customers through public network such as internet. The cloud computing services and infrastructure are mostly owned by a third party called cloud service providers. Cloud computing provides an innovative model for the organizations to use software applications, storage and processing capabilities of cloud without investing on the infrastructure. Mobile cloud computing provides a novel ecommerce mode for organizations without any upfront investment. Since cloud computing uses distributed resources in open environment, it is important to provide secure keys to share the data for developing cloud computing applications. To ensure a correctness of users? data in the cloud, we propose an effective and secure distributed model including a Self-Proxy Server (SPS) with self-created algorithm. The model resolves a communication bottleneck due to re-encryption of a shared data in the cloud whenever users are revoked. It offers to reduce security risks and protect their resources because a distributed SPS dynamically interacts with Key Manager (KM) when the mobile users take on cloud services. This paper presents a comprehensive mobile cloud design which provides an effective and secure cloud computing services on mobile devices. This proposed system provides fuzzy authorization technique to ensure the correctness of username and the password for that fuzzy technique is used. This technique includes if the fake user to know the details about the password that is using the hint given. If the hacker know about the original password when he reenter. To avoid this type of the situation fuzzy authorization uses the technique if the entered password partially matches the user can get the video that is the fake video. After that hacker stop retrying the username and the password. The original data is taken after real password is given by the real user.

Keywords: Cloud Database, Adaptive Encryption, SQL operations, Metadata, Key Manager, Multi key Distribution, Fuzzy Authorization, Self Proxy Server.

Volume: 8 | Issue: 2

Pages: 21-25

Issue Date: April , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BIJSESC.8391

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