Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

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Automated Mechanism for Retrieval of Spectrocoin Sample from Copper Die

Dinesh L, Elankathir B, Ajith kumar Aand Dr.M.Muthukumaran


Our project is designed to fabricate the automated mechanism for retrieval of spectrocoin sample from the copper die.The main objective of this project is to design the copper die with a pneumatic connection in easier way to obtain the spectrocoin. At present in industries they use manual connectors for joining the two copper die so that the molten metal can be poured into the copper die.After some time interval removing the copper die the molten metal poured in a die is obtained like a metal coin then it is chilled by dropping it into the water container. After few minutes the coin is been taken and grinded on both the surface then they analyze in the atomic spectrocoin analyzer by passing argon gas in the coin the spark is obtained is analyzed by the analyzer software and gives the metal composition of the material in percentage .The problem of loading and unloading consumes more time. Which the coin is identified as problem and we suggested the solution in this project. Now we have design the alternative by opening and closing of copper die by connecting them with an pneumatic cylinder controlled setup hand lever the air is passed through the cylinder the copper die starts working it is controlled by ONOFF by manually operated lever ejector. By pushing the ejector the coin directly falls into the water tank sump later it can be grinded and analyzed to find out the composition of materials. In the metals through our design the loading and unloading of coin is made easy for the operators and reduces time drastically.

Keywords: spectrocoin,spectrocoin accuracy,copper die.

Volume: 8 | Issue: 2

Pages: 01-02

Issue Date: April , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.8362

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