International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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Work Life Balance: An Analysis

Renji Issac and Dr. Krishnaveni Ramesh


Both professional and personal life is important to every human. Any type of distraction can cause disequilibrium in their life and may result into job loss or penalty and strain both in work and in family life. The productivity, health and relationship may suffer. The earning capacity matters and nothing else matters. most of the corporate executives are committed to work only and often clashes with multiples family roles .Even if they are single , has the commitment and roles with parents, siblings and friends. Equilibrium between job and life can benefit in many ways and it is necessary.

Keywords: Work Life Balance, Roles, Commitments, Quality.

Volume: 3 | Issue: Special Issue

Pages: 36-37

Issue Date: May , 2017

DOI: 10.9756/IJRAS.8156

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