Bonfring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering

Impact Factor: 0.528 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Acoustic Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Effect for Various Low Power Applications

Kavyashree C. Gayakawad, Akshaykumar Gaonkar, B.Goutami and Vinayak P. Miskin


In recent years energy consumption has been increased due to increase in many wireless networks which must require longer lifetimes. Most of sensors nodes which are operated on battery have limited storage capacity and wear out with time. Nowadays there is huge demand for substitute energy resources to overcome energy demand. Hence this paper focuses on harvesting energy from the acoustic energy already present in environment which goes wasted. This can be carried out by piezoelectric effect mechanism. Piezoelectric materials are those materials which convert ambient vibrations to electric energy that can be used for low power devices. The energy so generated can be applied for various low power networks, which can overcome the ever increasing demand for power supply and also it is an eco friendly one.

Keywords: Piezoelectric Effect, Quarter Wavelength Tube Resonator, Smart Road.

Volume: 6 | Issue: Special Issue on Recent Advancements in Electronics and Communication Engineering|Editors:Dr.G.A. Bidkar,Dr.C. Vijaya and Dr.S.B. Kulkarni

Pages: 24-29

Issue Date: November , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJRCE.8194

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