Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

Impact Factor: 0.541 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Optimized Design of a Bagasse Dryer System for Sugar Industry

L. Praveen Raj and B. Stalin


Bagasse is used as one of the fuels for boilers to generate power in most of the sugar industries all over the world. Bagasse consists of moisture which affects the efficiency of the boiler which in turn reduces the power output . This paper investigates about the use of pneumatic dryer system with number of steel pipes in it,within which hot steam is used as the medium for drying. Modifications in pre-existing design of the dryer such as dimension, capacity, operating temperature, working pressure and heating surface area were considered. Analytical calculations and thermal analysis has been carried out to determine the percentage reduction of moisture. Optimization has been carried out using Taguchi?s technique. Parameters such as pressure, temperature and mass flow rate of the hot steam were taken into account for optimization.The work shows that 5% increase in the reduction of moisture in bagasse leads to 7% increase in boiler efficiency and 5% increase in power output.

Keywords: Bagasse, Moisture Content, Pneumatic Dryer, Boiler Efficiency, Taguchi?s Technique.

Volume: 6 | Issue: 4

Pages: 115-119

Issue Date: October , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.7536

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