Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

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Individuality of Transnational Entrepreneurs: A Missing Link

H.V. Mukesh and Dr. Babu Thomas


Transnational entrepreneurs are major agents of trade and commerce in globalized world. These distinguished categories of entrepreneurs engage in trade and commerce at two different environment i.e. home countries and host. This zeal and force of transnational entrepreneurs moves the world of trade and commerce as they confront the unknown and step forward to create the future. As the part of globalization, transnational entrepreneurs have attracted researchers from different disciplines. The knowledge on transnational entrepreneurs is still in its budding stage, it mainly focuses on sociological aspects, but individual aspects like personality traits and behavioral aspects of transnational entrepreneurs are still untouched. The limitations of existing literatures on transnational entrepreneurs are as follows. a) It has not concentrated on individuality (personality traits and behavioral aspects) of transnational entrepreneurs. b) It has not highlighted on the antecedent factors affecting the growth of transnational entrepreneurs (like transnational entrepreneurs? entrepreneurial potential, motivation, leadership skills etc). c) The literature is limited to the scope, nature and resources required.

Keywords: Transnational Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Potential, Achievement Motivation and Leadership Skills

Volume: 6 | Issue: 3

Pages: 67-74

Issue Date: June , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.8140

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