Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining

Impact Factor: 0.245 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Multiple Attribute Authority based Access Control and Anonymous Authentication in Decentralized Cloud

S. Usha and P. Sangeetha


Cloud computing is emerging as a powerful architecture to perform large-scale and complex computing. It widens the information technology (IT) capability by giving on-demand admittance to work out resources for dedicated use. The security information and privacy are the main concerns over the cloud from user viewpoint. In cloud computing cloud users and cloud severs are not present in the same domain. Due to this problem of data security and privacy, access control is required. Generally access control in clouds is centralized in environment. In centralized cloud system is given only with single key distribution Centre and makes use of symmetric key approach algorithm. But in decentralized cloud system multiple key distribution centres are available. So it is used to avoid the leakage of keys for malicious users. The proposed scheme is to hide the user's attributes using Attribute Based Encryption algorithm for providing Anony control. In this system the cloud confirm the authenticity of the user with no knowing the users identity before storing the data. This method contains an added feature of access control in which only the valid users are able to decrypt the stored information from cloud sever.

Keywords: Access Control, Anony Control, Attribute based Encryption, Data Security, Multi-authority

Volume: 6 | Issue: 3

Pages: 24-29

Issue Date: June , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJDM.7019

Full Text




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