International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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Crime Trends among Youth

S. Rajalakshmi


We read headlines about crime has become a day today affair for us. Our country is affected with many socio?economic problems such like poverty, terrorism, illiteracy and corruption. There is an emergency to overcome these problems by youth is very important. Sociologists and criminologists have been broadly concerned with locating the cause of crime and analysing the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Parental conflict, broken families, child abuse, poor parental supervision cheap mlb jerseys from china and it leads to carefree attitude of youth in schools and colleges may cause for Violent Behaviour. Separate corrective homes may be established for such criminal youths as are not considered a threat to society. Reshaping of police sub culture, through police organisation, and the professionalization of the police force are necessary for winning confidence and cooperation of the young criminals. New work programmes may be introduced in prisons for training youths to help them in economic rehabilitation.

Keywords: Crime, Criminal Law, Society, Violent Behaviour, Young Criminals

Volume: 2 | Issue: 2

Pages: 07-10

Issue Date: April , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/IJRAS.8123

Full Text




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