International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

Impact Factor: 0.387 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Deliverance of Women and Rabindranath Tagore: In Vista of Education

Dr. Tapas Pal and Dr. Sanat Kumar Rath


Gurudevas role in the liberation of women was a determining one. He uncovered the dilemma of women and argued for their independence through his letters, short stories, and essays. Through his novels, he was able to construct new and vital female role models to motivate a new generation of Bengali women. Later, by his act of admitting females into his Santiniketan Ashram education, he became an innovative pioneer in coeducation.

Keywords: Liberation of Women, Ashram Education

Volume: 1 | Issue: 2

Pages: 06-10

Issue Date: August , 2015

DOI: 10.9756/IJRAS.8004

Full Text




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