Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science
Online ISSN: 2277-5056 | Print ISSN: 2250-1096 | Frequency: 4 Issues/Year
Impact Factor: 0.541 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)
A GIS based Automated Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Basin Morphometry
N.S. Magesh, N. Chandrasekar and S. Kaliraj
An automated extraction tool was developed through the model builder technique in ArcGIS environment to delineate the basin morphometry. The basic requirements to run this tool are a SRTM data, and a pour point shapefile. The developed model will create necessary data required for morphometric analysis after the processing of the input data. The output from this model will create a number of parameters such as, stream network (Strahler?s), aspect, slope, DEM, drainage density, hill shade, and basin boundary in meter square. Before proceeding with the model, there is an option to the user to select the minimum upstream area to which a stream should be counted. This option helps the users to select the range of stream delineation. The slope generated will be in degrees and the drainage density in This technique is very useful for those who work in the field of terrain analysis, hydrology, and watershed analysis as it is easy to use with a single click for the generation of a reliable database for morphometric analysis.
Keywords: ArcGIS, Model Builder, Morphometric Analysis, SRTM, Stream Delineati
Volume: 2 | Issue: Special Issue on Geospatial Technology Development in Natural Resource and Disaster Management
Pages: 32-35
Issue Date: July , 2012
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