Bonfring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering

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FPGA Based Real Time Medical Image Processing

Akshay S. Janmane, Apeksha S. Patil and Madhuri V. Huilgol


The digitisation of medical images tend to suffer from poor image quality, lack of proper contrast and most importantly presence of shading and artefacts In order to overcome the poor image quality of the image, enhancement is the key method which is followed. Enhancement improves the effectiveness or attractiveness of the image. Enhancement involves conversion of image from gray to adoptive histogram and then 2D-DWT is applied on it. This decomposes the image into 4 sub-bands and the low frequency sub band is smoothened using geometric mean filter. Then IDWT is applied using new low frequency and remaining sub bands. The experimental results vividly displays the proposed algorithm is efficient to enough to remove the noise resulting good enhancement and then achieved increased value of PSNR and reducing value of MSE. In order to effectively present both gray values and spatial information of image pixels, a fusion method for image segmentation by jointly utilizing direct fusion method and edge detection method is being proposed. The technique involved here is division of image into small sub blocks each sub block consisting of a vector and those vectors are further classified as edge and non-edge patterns by using edge detection algorithm. Boundary detection is further applied to extract the finest boundary curves in the edge pattern vectors and finally a fusion method is employed to synthesise the results of Pixel Based Fusion Method and Boundary Detection to accomplish the segmentation.

Keywords: Geometric Mean Filter, Image Segmentation, Edge Detection, Information Fusion.

Volume: 6 | Issue: Special Issue on Recent Advancements in Electronics and Communication Engineering|Editors:Dr.G.A. Bidkar,Dr.C. Vijaya and Dr.S.B. Kulkarni

Pages: 113-116

Issue Date: November , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJRCE.8214

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